Community Development - Non-Entitlement Communities

The LRGVDC is awarded funding from the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) for the purpose of providing administrative support staffing to the Regional Review Committee and/or related administrative assistance to the Department, and technical assistance to Texas Community Development Block Grant (TxCDBG) Program. Eligible applicants are non-entitlement cities and counties that are not participating or designated as eligible to participate in the entitlement portion of the federal Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG). Non-entitlement cities that are not participating in urban county programs through existing participation agreements are eligible applicants (unless the city's population is counted towards the urban county CDBG allocation). Lower Rio Grande Valley non-entitlement communities.

The primary objective of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is to develop viable communities by providing decent housing and suitable living environments and expanding economic opportunities principally for persons of low-to moderate-income. Eligible applicants are non-entitlement cities under 50,000 in population and non-entitlement counties that have a non-metropolitan population under 200,000 and are not eligible for direct CDBG funding from HUD may apply for funding through any of the Texas CDBG programs. Visit TDA's Community Development Block Grant (TxCDBG) Program for Rural Texas, by clicking here.

Community Development Fund (CD) - Non-Entitlement Communities

The Community Development Fund is the largest fund category in the TxCDBG Program. This fund is available through a competition in each of the 24 state planning regions. Although most funds are used for Public Facilities (water/wastewater infrastructure, street and drainage improvements and housing activities), there are numerous other activities for which these funds may be used. Click link to view the Regional Priority Project Categories for FY2025-2026.

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program for Rural Texas - Other than CD Fund

The Texas Department of Agriculture offers additional funding programs to non-entitlement communities. A list with the programs respective details are below.

  1. Downtown Revitalization Program
    Application Deadline: Spring 2023
    Max Award: $500,000
    Provides grant funds for public infrastructure to eliminate deteriorated conditions and foster economic development in historic main street areas and rural downtown areas.

  2. Fire, Ambulance, and Service Truck (FAST) Fund
    Application Deadline: TBD 2024
    Max Award: $750,000
    Provides funds for eligible vehicles to provide emergency response and special services to LMI rural communities.

  3. Colonia Funds Funds available to eligible county applicants for projects in severely distressed unincorporated areas. The term “colonia” generally means an identifiable unincorporated community that is within 150 miles of the border between the United States and Mexico.
    a. Colonia Fund Construction
    Application Deadline: Spring 2023
    Max Award: $1,000,000
    Assistance to fund water and wastewater improvements, housing rehabilitation, and other improvements in colonia areas.
    b. Colonia Economically Distressed Areas Program
    Application Deadline: As Needed
    Max Award: $1,000,000
    Assistance to colonia areas to connect to a water and sewer system project funded by other state and federal funds.

  4. State Urgent Need (SUN) Fund
    Application Deadline: As Needed
    Max Award: $500,000 ($1,000,000 for certain multi-jurisdiction awards)
    Assistance to communities impacted by state-declared disaster events that are not eligible for federal disaster assistance. Infrastructure repair, replacement, and improvement are eligible projects, with priority for drinking water systems and debris removal.

For more information, visit Texas Department of Agriculture.

Additional Resources